I stand under this tree and listen to a life force beyond words. A secret part of myself has been waiting for this all year. This incredible thing that only lasts a handful of days each year. Bees, bees bustling buzzing working bees. For a few hours every morning this tree full of beautiful blossoms becomes a buzzing life force. I love to stand below the blossoms and just listen. The buzz is so subtle yet once you've heard it and really taken it in - it cannot be forgotten or described. The sound of hundreds of little workers all in one tree, just inches above my ears. It is just incredible. Then as the days pass slowly the petals begin to fall and its a different sort of magic. Beautiful petals floating in the air around me as I head out into my day. Flowering trees. An unexpected blessing of beauty and life that returns every year.
In a few more weeks we will have cherry pie!
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