Friday, July 10, 2009


Day one of the painting extravaganza down! I'm feeling excited about it. I wrote the last post in a bustle of inspiration. A mad dash before nap time ended. Today's painting was done during the same time and in the same spirit. A "hurry and just get it in or you never will" sort of fashion. I'm grateful for the imposed deadlines of nap time. It forces me to leap - or not. There is no in between. And I'm feeling like that's what it's all about. Either I jump or I don't. I work at asking myself lovingly, "Am I moving in the directions of my dreams? Am I moving towards the me I want?" I'm starting to think they don't have to be big moves either. It doesn't have to be dramatic. But it does need to be earnest and heartfelt. An inch is perfect as long as your whole being is in that inch. I guess that's where I'm at...learning how to really inhabit my life. All of my life. Inch by inch. So that my heart is in every inch. The little, the yucky, the tired, the small, the insignificant, the ordinary, the joyful.

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