Hello all! Well yes, I am at it again. And with a vengeance now. Thank heavens!
You may be asking yourself She's at what, exactly? Well, life I suppose would be the answer. But to be more specific...I'm feeling more like I've found the path again. My path.
Sometimes, it is nice to wander without direction but other times, the wandering feels tedious and taunting. The world seems to be mocking me and my misdirection. I struggle to honor my own struggle. And as of late, well since we've moved really, I've felt all turned around. And unsure of every step. At times I felt there were no options or directions. Then other times I felt like every direction was available (which was equally overwhelming).
As I think back on old posts, this does not seem to be a new topic for me...and maybe I've written a hundred times that I'm starting to feel settled. Maybe it's been my mantra and something I've longed to feel.
Nonetheless I am starting to settle - and get reacquainted and more comfortable with those parts that will always flux. Home is starting to feel like home. I've gotten back to taking more courageous leaps - introducing myself to new people, admitting to strangers that I am an artist, making new friends, creating more work, day dreaming about the future and using those dreams to set goals (like creating enough work to fill a kiln by December). Here's a sneak peak at what I've been up to in my new studio space...

Affirmation and the sculpture with the hands across the chest! Just beautiful!
Do you sell your creations?
Oh, those aren't hands, it is a flower...even better!
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