I love lists. I literally have lists of lists. They can hold random things and still seem organized. They signify a process. They say "Yes, I have it together. I know what I'm doing. Look I have a list." You can't doubt someone with a list.
So when trying to compensate for my feelings of doubt, uncertainty, and general insecurity I create a list. Needless to say, I have hundreds of lists. I even have a book of lists. My favorite kind of list is "the dream list". It's kind of a Mondo Beyondo. A list in which I write all and any dreams, fantasies and fabulous (even and especially outrageous) things I'd like to do. I have two kinds of dream lists; I like to do one at the beginning of every year, I also like to keep one for my entire life.
Dream lists are fun and magical. They encourage me to dream BIG. They also provide a record. In looking back, I can see tangibly the dreams that I have accomplished.
who knew? maybe I really do know what I'm doing!
holy cow! the universe really is a magical place that is conspiring on my behalf!
Looking back on my dream lists also allows me to see what I have accomplished and how I have grown and changed. Accomplishing one goal, that I initially might have thought of as a BIG dream (getting a Master's degree) naturally creates momentum for my further adventures (think PhD). I can also see how I outgrow some items. Ex. be part of a Criss Angel trick (I haven't crossed that one off yet but at some point I might)
So in ode to lists here is one of mine!
list taken from above photo
1. establish a wonderful and beautiful garden
2. garden sculptures
3. go on a retreat - something creative and spiritually inclined
4. take a writing class
5. paint a silk scarf
6. mail super wonderful packages and letters to friends - just for the fun of it!
7. have dedicated time for creative endeavors; art and writing
8. create garden and lawn sculptures
9. find and participate in a group or organization that is specifically to foster spirit
10. be able to do a headstand without assistance of a wall
11. get published
12. make money with my writing
13. make money with my art work
What are some items on your list of things to do while you're here?
hi gen. i found you through your comment on the feeleez blog. thank you for this post. it is so lovely to read this. i'm a BIG fan of lists to...and sometimes i take all of them and throw them in the recycling, just to get to start fresh.
with love to you
(on my list...make lists of things that lift me up, light me up, make me sing inside...)
My problem is writing lists in more than one place and then accidentally covering them up with other papers and losing site of them.
I definitely can relate to losing my lists...I should have a list for that too..."the lists I've lost". And gratitude lists are the best! Especially for beating the blues.
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