Tuesday, June 3, 2008

a birthday post

I have this personal rule about working on my birthday. I don't. Well at least, if I can take it off I always have. Today, however, I was going to go into work - just for an hour at the most - and not because I really wanted to, but because I had to - a super high speed meeting that had to happen today. So my hubby came home to watch the little one and I, all dolled up for work took off. But alas, the birthday fates had other plans in store...a big fat flat tire! A tow truck ride, my first time ever using road side assistance and four new tires later (it turns out they were having a sale on tires and all four did need to be replaced). I called in whilst I sat waiting for the tow truck guy and tele-conferenced in for the meeting- not the best situation but the only one that would work under the circumstances (thank goodness for technology and cell phones, what would I have done today without one?) and now, here I am a year older, a little morning adventure and some new tires!

So back to taking the day off and enjoying it - the way the fates intended (apparently).

On a tangent, I think I'm going to always take off the little boy's birthday. That is if he wants me to (I'm thinking when he's older he may not, but who knows) It can be his day with me and his daddy to do whatever he wants, go to the zoo, a movie, whatever he wants.

I remember when I was a kid, second grade-ish, I stayed home sick and went to the grocery store with my mom. I was shocked to see other people out in the world! I thought everyone either went to school or work during the day(which in my little kiddo brain meant in an office somewhere) I couldn't believe there were people out doing things - like it was a weekend or something! I had this endless possibility moment, where the whole world could be all mine when I was a grown up, in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week. It was scary and liberating all at the same time. Who knows maybe all little kids have this sort of realization (that the world does go on without them)? and maybe our little boy will enjoy always having at least one designated day with his cool folks to do whatever his little heart desires!

You know you're getting too old for a pinata, when the idea of picking paper and candy out of your yard is a huge deterrent from the possibility of getting to beat a paper animal until it renders the goods. Damn you responsible adult brain!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Happy belated birthday! I hope your day was wonderful, despite going into work for an hour...

p.s. You are NEVER too old for a pinata!!!