Friday, July 18, 2008


There's so much to blog about I'm afraid I'm suffering blogger paralysis. There was the reunion. Which I had mixed feelings going into but then found the perfect dress, got a night out with my guy and had a fabulous time! I went with my bff from high school so at least I could huddle in the corner with one person if it turned out to be a bust - but it wasn't a bust! It was a blast. There was only a small sliver of people who showed up but the handful who did - well it was heartwarming for the most part. Catching up, remembering, laughing. At the risk of sounding like I have a drinking problem, I must admit though, I am so thankful I had a drink or two, or three in me. Yeah for social lubricants! Maybe someday I'll feel confident enough to get by on my wit and charm but this was just the perfect occasion for a margarita! Alcohol aside, it was so nice to catch up with old pals!

Next up, my little boy is still asleep! Really not a whole lot more to write on this except that he's slept 2 hours more than he usually does, which is both nice and unnerving. Nice because, well here I am blogging with both hands! Unnerving because, well, is he okay, is something wrong? He's still breathing, no fever. This is something I could get used to!

And last, (be warned this may get graphic) my beloved pooch has some kind of strange growth on his...uh...well, pooper. About two years ago he had a similar growth that we ended up getting removed. It was just this little butt bubble, that slowly grew and grew and grew. No I'm not making this up. It didn't seem to bother him but it progressively got larger. So, we took him in. He had surgery and it turned out to be a benign growth. But this time - the growth came back in a day! And it's really gross, not just a cute pink button. An oozy, irregular mass. And my poor dog is so uncomfortable. So I took him in right away. Really folks, this thing was growing right in front of my eyes. Okay that's a slight exaggeration but it did get bigger with in an hour of being at the vet. They don't know what it is. They're sending in a sample to the pathologist. My dog might have butt cancer, and the only thing funny about butt cancer is saying butt cancer. But we won't know anything until the tests come back. I'm worried. In the mean time poochie gets some pain killers and antibiotics.

Now I'm fumbling with how to tie all this up...high school reunions, sleeping babies (who subsequently just woke up) and potential puppy butt cancer. How about a random quote from

Basic research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. Wernher von Braun

Couldn't have said it better myself. There you have it folks: research. We'll call it research!

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