Tuesday, June 30, 2009

a random list of sorts

Still no cord for the camera...

We have company coming this week. Looking forward to visiting with good friends - but feeling a little overwhelmed.

I have a forever long and growing to do list.

Dealing with an assertive and ornery little boy. He's figuring things out, testing limits. Driving me nuts! It's that devilish little grin when he knows it's a no and does it anyway. My bad karma come back to haunt me.

Enjoying local honey from the farmer's market.

Wondering how am I going to get through the summer with this heat!?
Just got my library card for Mesa County Libraries! They're not gonna know what hit them. I already have a list of books I'm gonna check out. Oh, I do love my library!

Harvesting my old journals. Looking back through at past wishes and worries, finding ideas to expand on. Seeing that I've always just needed to give myself lots kindness.

Thankful for a napping boy.

Now back to my to do list...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

a long hot spring

Searching for just the right spot. Not too much sun - or too much shade. Looking to dig my roots in deep. Let the soil feed me as I reach towards the heavens. And grow.

Here's what settling in and a long hot spring looks like...

Okay, pictures to come soon...

I can't find my cord that connects the camera to the computer...

Moving and settling in, no kidding...sheesh.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

home again, home again

Unpacking. Boxes everywhere. Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Where does everything go? Where is everything? How did we acquire so much stuff? And yet it seems I still don't have everything I need. I cringe at the thought of purchasing more stuff with so much to unpack...but we do need curtains, and this to replace the sink and then of course this over here. So I do need that. And that is how I end up with more stuff. I'm having fantasies of wiggling my nose and it all falling into place. Either that or pitching it all and living like a nomad.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

the struggle

So I have to be honest, I've been thinking about deleting - or rather removing all of the old posts. It's been so long. I feel a little sheepish picking this back up again. Looking at all of the old posts. Trying to remember what I am doing this for anyway. All of those goblins step up to the microphone, "who do you think you are?" they ask. Then I remembered a quote by Rumi that's been haunting me since I read it:

Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious.

The quote, by the way, I found in Life, Paint and Passion which is an awesome book. I'm only upset I didn't hear about it sooner. It got me psyched about honoring my process with paints!
It's funny, I read that quote a few weeks before moving here. Where I don't know anyone except my aunt that lives one town over. I was feeling doubtful. Afraid. Then this flies off the page at me. Well alright, universe. I'll go for it already.

Sometimes I think life is about learning to get out of your own way.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

where have I been?

So six months is quite a sabbatical, eh? I could throw out all kinds of excuses: the dog ate my computer, I have a 19 month old son, we put our house on the market, sold our house and are now living in a brand new town. I could also apologize and make all kinds of promises...so I already gave you the excuses but I won't do the apology and promises thing. What I will say is, I'll give it another go and we'll see how it turns out.

Tomorrow will mark the first week in our new house in a new town. What I can say so far, it's a lovely and small town, moving is crazy and I miss my loved ones back home. My melancholy with moving is particularly heightened because my husband had to go out of town for 4 days, leaving me and the little one here in our new home and a new town. Have I said that I'm living in a new town? Anyone reading this in Grand Junction, I am the one driving in circles looking a little sad and confused.

So about the new town. First, thank goodness it's relatively small so I can't get too lost or confused. And also, small towns make for friendly people - or at least everyone I've met here. I'm sharpening up on my conversation skills. Everyone is so friendly. People say "hi, how are you" here and seem to mean it. There's follow up conversation about the weather or anything else you may have in common. It's lovely! And has helped with the melancholy.

Our new home already feels like home. It needs lots of work. The mister and I have lots of home projects outlined for our future. It's spacious and roomy and has lots of character. And a space for a studio for me! I couldn't be more thrilled!

So there you have it. I'm back. At least for now.