Monday, September 8, 2008

dinner for one

The weather is finally cool and so today we cooked a meal that involves the oven. I always look forward to this time of year. When the weather cools I get a hankering to bake and cook casseroles. And so tonight, as my dear husband looks forward to the start of Monday Night Football (ugh) we prepared a Mexican casserole.

The only problem is that there is a severe case of what can only be described as crankiness going around in our house. Last week it was the mister, tonight it's me and the boy. Even in writing this I loathe, although what exactly it is I loathe I cannot say. It's just a general distaste - for everything: my husbands singing, the cooler weather, our dog, our name it. All attempts at cheering me up this far have been met with steely glances. And so my gracious and patient husband is sitting with the little boy in his room playing with toys giving me a chance to eat and blog. I suspect when I finish eating it will be (and should be) the mister's turn to eat.

Despicable and horrid, that's how I feel and I have no good reason for it. My current fantasy involves me, alone, a dark and hidden cave, some mojitos and a plush and warm king sized bed. That's where I'm at folks...I guess in the mean time, I'll settle for a bath.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Despicable and horrid...try honest and totally normal. (HUGS to you, momma)