Saturday, August 29, 2009

dog daze

Because I feel I need to write something...

The last few days of summer...

my best friend leaving.

a broken now I type in a Starbucks...

feeling better but sluggish in the heat.

been spending time sculpting.

Found a fantastic new yoga studio.

The little boy is becoming very adept at throwing tantrums....

and hitting

and biting again. (I used to be one of those people who believed children only did what was modeled for them by others...ha ha ha. Now I'm a parent and I know better!)

Practicing lots of breathing.

Reminding myself to enjoy the moments.

I Promise more lengthy and detailed posts once our Internet is up and running. This Thursday.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh, yes.
I was the perfect parent...and then I had a child.
Starbucks sounds lovely right now, even at 10:00pm.