Saturday, December 12, 2009

Extra Ordinary

I love word play. Things like disease being dis - ease.

And the word universe. Uni meaning one and verse as in song. Universe = one song.

Or how about the word compassion. Ever notice: compassion. Yep, the word compass tucked neatly into compassion. Let compassion be your guide. Compassion, it has it's own built in compass.

Here's another one: extraordinary. Extraordinary. Extra Ordinary. It has been true in my life, and is the spirit of this blog; what feels the most extraordinary is really a beautiful, complete moment tucked into the most ordinary, the most mundane - the extra ordinary.

So let's celebrate the extra ordinary!
  • a perfect cup of tea in my favorite mug
  • warm fuzzy socks
  • lists
  • noodles
  • Christmas trees
  • snuggling up to watch a movie by the fire

How about you? What are your extra ordinaries right now?

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