Tuesday, August 12, 2008

it's a black fly in your chardonay

The old saying goes, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him what your plans are". Yep. If that's the case, someone is getting a pretty good laugh at my expense. For the last two weeks I have had plans; plans to go to lunch, plans to take a yoga class, plans to take a dance class, plans to stay with a friend. Canceled, canceled, canceled. Seriously? What is going on? Must be some crazy astrology thing. It's like my karma for everything I ever had to cancel on in my life has decided to come back and haunt me these last two weeks. A perfectly booked and well scheduled week - gone to pot. I just hope I've broken my streak. I'm off to make more plans and get some more inevitable grins from the heavens.


Lisa said...

Oh, I hear ya loud and clear this morning. We are supposed to be headed out of town on a long road trip in about 3 hours. The problem...little boy has had 6 days of horrible diarrhea and I'm thinking we need to stay put. Doc says he's OK but momma's gut says we need to stay. I hope God is laughing because I am not :)

Lisa said...

Maybe that last comment was too much info, but your post hit home. From one mommy to another.