Thursday, February 28, 2008

One Day Too Many

The shortest month of the year feels like the longest. Hooray for the end of February! I know it may seem childish to blame everything that's been difficult for me on a month - but I'm gonna! Bring on March already! And for cathartic purposes a list of everything that's gone wrong this month.

An Ode to February:
- I dropped the laptop and shattered the screen
- Our desktop gets a virus and everything is erased
- I'm sick with the crud
- Trouble with me and my hubby
- The stereo is broken
- My hair is still falling out
- A job fell through

There you have it. February, you're usually not such a nuisance but this year you were and I'm glad to be done with you! Hopefully your extra day this year doesn't kill me.

In other happenings, NaBloPoMo is going monthly! I'm jumping in for March. That's right Blogworld - you'll be hearing from me everyday for the month of March. There's even suggested themes. March's theme is lists. Oh I do love lists!

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