Wednesday, March 12, 2008

strike when the iron is hot

I've recently decided I need to try to make this blog more interesting to read. I hate to admit it but really, I've just been plopping down at the end of the day and throwing whatever random thoughts I have out there. Okay, so my inner censor pretty much talks me out of most of it and I come up with pretty mediocre posts. Hence my decision, to try a little harder to entertain you dear reader. And also I think I may enjoy it more. I thought I had an interesting anecdote this morning I even made a little note in my journal: Blog idea - tell story of B. trying to eat his play mat. There was a really cute dialog around it with me and the mister even. But alas, that was hours ago and a whole day has passed: work, dinner, good conversation - a really good day - all at the cost of that interesting tidbit about the boy eating his play mat. Sigh...maybe tomorrow. Oh, well blogworld. The best of intentions - and all that.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Don't try to force greatness! Just be you and it will come. Plus, we like reading the "normal" stuff more than you think. You have enough going on without the pressuer to entertain us. I promise, we are entertained...